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Showing posts with the label Legacy System Replacement Planning

How To Plan To Replace A Legacy Computer System?

So the day has come to replace an older, complex (Legacy) computer system. Why? The system will  soon not be supported by the vendor, no longer able to be supported by internal staff, not allow for growth or new requirements, and/or continue to be too costly to support. Why is there a challenge in replacing Legacy systems?   The responsibility to oversee the replacement of a Legacy system, which has been developed, configured, and customized over many years is daunting, risky, and costly.  Also, who in your organization has the time and experience to properly analyze replacement options, develop requirements, assess vendors, and manage the deployment? To Learn More How To Plan To Replace A Legacy System See Our White Paper Since 1995 , we at CRE8 Independent Consultants have assisted clients with Legacy System Replacement, Advanced Technology and Process Improvement Planning.  We have over 300 clients ranging in size fron 25 to 250,000 employees, acr...