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Showing posts with the label Chief Process Officer

What is a Chief Process Officer?

What is a Chief Process Officer?  According to Wikipedia, “A CPO is an executive responsible for business process management at the highest level of an organization.” CPOs usually report directly to the chief executive officer (CEO) or board of directors. The CPO oversees business process activities and is responsible for defining process rules, policies, framework, procedures, and guidelines to ensure that the main objectives follow the company strategy as well as establishing control, governance, and measurement mechanisms.  As there is a need for   CTO/CIO to provide technology support/direction, a CHRO to provide human resource support, and a CFO to provide finance and accounting support and operations, a CPO will work with Chiefs to help ensure organizational improvement goals are set, achieved, measured, and sustained. A CPO will also help ensure that technology ROI, governance, and compliance goals are supported by organizational processes.   ...