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Public Housing Authority Improvement Checklist

Public Housing Authority Process Improvement Checklist.
- Develop a high-level baseline of each major.  
  work area. 
- Identify goals, issues, and opportunities. 
- Determine the scope and level of redesign 
- Develop baseline (current state) step-by-step
  process blueprints.
- Identify detailed process issues and goals. 
- Develop a first level redesign to examine
  how procedural (non-technology) changes    
  will improve processes. 
- Develop a second level redesign to
  determine how better use of existing
  (owned) technologies can provide additional
- As required, identify how advanced 
  technologies can further improve the 
- Gain agreement to the level and scope of the
- Develop a change action plan to guide and 
  measure changes.

For additional ideas regarding legacy system replacement, electronic content management, and IG/records,management, see our full blog.

About the Author. George Dunn, the president of CRE8 Independent Consultants, is a worldwide recognized consultant, speaker, instructor, and author on business process improvement, advanced technologies, governance, and computer system replacement. He has extensive experience assisting Housing Authorities.   George can be reached as follows.


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